Benefits of an External Whistleblowing Service

An external whistleblowing service:

  • External whistleblowing gives a voice to your employees, contractors, suppliers and supply chain and other stakeholders
  • Helps to create or enhance a culture of openness
  • Demonstrates that unethical behaviour, malpractice and commiting criminal offences is taken seriously and dealt with at the highest level
  • Demonstrates best practice and good governance to all by using an using and managing an independent whistleblowing system and channel
  • Provides senior management with early warning alerts for their business

Looking to Implement Whistleblowing Hotline?

Safecall can work with your organisation to implement a whistleblowing hotline that is impartial and fair to both employees and employers.

Your whistleblowing hotline

There’s a problem in your organisation and someone has the courage to speak up. What happens next?  When one of your people contacts Safecall by telephone, they are left in no doubt that this is a confidential service that will treat them as an individual and take them seriously.

Once they tell our call handler who they work for, the call handler then explains how the service works. We don’t audio record their call, we take handwritten notes and we pass all information on to their organisation through a comprehensive written report.

Why our call handlers are so important

Our call handlers are used to engaging with people, often in difficult or emotional circumstances, and have the investigative skills to know what information you need from a report.

They are not sitting in a call centre, reading from a script; they are empathetic, knowledgeable and patient. They know when to ask questions and when to remain silent.

The most important part of any whistleblowing service is this conversation that takes place between your people and our call handler.

We go to great lengths to ensure we take a detailed and accurate report from the caller, while managing their expectations. We also spend time to explain how reports help you to address unacceptable practices and behaviour.

PEACE-ful conversations

Our call handlers follow a conversational management approach specifically designed to avoid burdensome or accusatory questioning.

The PEACE model (Preparation, Planning, Engage, Explain and Account) of interviewing is akin to interviews conducted by counsellors or psychotherapists, and builds a rapport while being respectful, sensitive, positive, open and non-judgemental.

From the whistleblowers perspective

It takes a lot of courage to pick up that telephone and call a whistleblowing hotline. Often we speak with people who are upset, anxious, or unsure what to do.

While we aren’t a counselling service, we do have a responsibility to put the caller at ease and make them as comfortable as possible. The caller is encouraged to give an account of their concern in their own words, at their own pace. There is no rush or time limit to the call.

Multi-lingual support

Our interpreters provide support in more than 170 languages. We can also create a bespoke language platform to suit any language-specific requirements for your people in any area or country where you may employ a migrant workforce.

You can set up a whistleblowing hotline today

Safecall can work with your organisation to implement a whistleblowing hotline that is impartial and fair to both employees and employers.