Whistleblowing Audit Service

Whistleblowing audit and health check service for businesses, charities, government bodies and other organisations

Full whistleblower audit and assessment, including gap analysis of your internal whistleblowing process and recommendations for improvements and implementations.

Complete the form to enquire, or call  +44 (0) 191 516 7720


Option 1) Health Check Audit

Self-serve gap analysis tool enables assessment against key criteria for your business by sector. Assessment criteria includes:

  • FCA Whistleblowing Guidelines
  • EU Whistleblowing Directive
  • ISO37002
  • Safecall’s best practice guidance

Produces a whistleblowing audit checklist score and is used to measure you against similar organistations via our benchmark statistics

Review your answers/score with an Account Manager to suggest the best products to close gaps and increase your score


Option 2) Verified Health Audit

All of the above, plus…

  • Safecall audit team verifies your inputs and results
  • Desktop review of evidence and a verification of your answers
  • One-to-one online session with one of our expert auditors
    • Auditor will provide guidance on results and recommendations for improvement
    • Expert advice on implementing changes
    • Best-practice knowledge from other similar customers
  • Safecall whistleblowing best-practice certificate 


Option 3) Verified Health Check+ Audit

All of the above, plus...

A dedicated auditor, to an agreed scope and day rate

  • Agreed with a dedicated auditor before the beginning of the assessment
  • The scope can be agreed to suit budget/requirements

On-site audit

  • Interview with employees
  • Interview with Senior Leadership representatives
  • Interview with Independent governance representatives
  • Interview with whistleblowing team stakeholders
  • Interview with previous whistleblowers

Review of historic whistleblowing

  • How cases were investigated
  • What processes are in place
  • Are processes and protections effective

Regular status updates and communication with a dedicated auditor

Written audit report summarizing findings and recommendations

Presentation of findings to stakeholders or broader audience

Also available

Whistleblower hotlines - outsourced and independent 

Whistleblowing training for managers - elearning

Workplace Investigations training - onsite or online via Teams

Interviewer training - onsite or online via Teams


Next steps

Complete the form above and one of our team will contact you to understand your needs, requirements and advise you on the most suitable investigation solution for your organisation.

Alternatively, call us today on +44 (0) 191516 7720

For all Safecall Audit and Health Check services

Call us on +44 (0) 191516 7720

If you need to give us more detailed information about your business, get in touch with us via a contact form