Whistleblowing, discrimination, harassment, misconduct - expert independent investigators

Our specialist workplace investigatiors have conducted HR, workplace and whistleblowing investigations for a wide variety of businesses, charities and governmental organisations since 1999


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Workplace Investigations | Whistleblower Investigations | HR Investigations

Investigate any potential workplace misconduct quickly, efficiently and independently with Safecall

Given Safecall's background as a provider of whistleblowing systems and workplace investigations, we are uniquely placed to help our clients with on-call investigation capacity for all sizes of business, the charity sector and governmental organisations.

We are:

  • Independent
  • Transparent
  • Professional, experienced investigators
  • In-house Safecall single point of contact
  • Terms of reference / investigative parameters agreed in advance

When an employee or whistleblower alleges that they have experienced bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, or discrimination in the workplace, or if they report witnessing or being affected by potential misconduct or dishonest behaviour, it is crucial that their employer conducts a thorough and appropriate investigation.

A workplace investigation might be necessary if the report is deemed serious enough, so employers must carefully evaluate the claims made before determining the most effective investigation process and the extent of the investigation.

If a workplace investigation is seen to be necessary, it should be conducted in as sensitive and reasonable manner as possible to prevent unnecessary business liability, damage to the organisations’ reputation and to avoid any worsening of the situation for all involved.

But not all employers have the time, resources, or perhaps expertise required to conduct a workplace investigation, and a poor investigation can greatly increase the likelihood of a tribunal ruling against the employer if actions reach that stage. So it is essential for employers to follow correct procedures and ensure that investigations are conducted fairly and objectively to avoid potential legal issues.Or they might prefer to hire an external organisation due to the sensitivity of the situation.

That’s why Safecall offer a completely independent investigations service.

"We help clients navigate through the challenges they face when dealing with internal investigations in an open, transparent and efficient manner"

Tim Smith, Operations Director, Safecall

Our specialist and experienced team of workplace investigators have carried out workplace investigations in a wide range of often emotional and stressful circumstances, including numerous whistleblowing disclosures, allegations of bullying, sexual harassment, and regulatory misconduct situations.

This is our day job. We ensure that any investigation is carried out on a client's behalf follows the rules, is impartial and presents the facts.


Call us on +44 (0) 191516 7720 to enquire


Internal investigations versus external investigators

Workplace investigations and whistleblowing investigations require the expertise of trained and independent investigators. Employers need to choose whether to use an internal or external investigator to handle the investigation.

Utilising internal staff to conduct an investigation can be a practical choice, particularly if the employer has well-trained employees and the allegations are not too serious, and do not involve senior staff. In such cases, the employer may assign the investigation to a manager or an in-house HR employee.

But several factors might suggest an internal investigator is not suitable for the task.

Smaller businesses may lack the necessary resources (time, training, or experience) to conduct a thorough investigation, making it worthwhile hiring external specialists.

An in-house investigator may be viewed as biased towards the employer. Employees may feel more comfortable discussing the matter with an external investigator, who is perceived to be neutral.

External investigators may be more appropriate in instances where serious wrongdoing allegations, such as bullying, sexual misconduct, discrimination or regulatory misconduct, have been made against senior employees. If an allegation is likely to attract media attention, using an external investigator may demonstrate to the public that the employer is taking the matter seriously.


Call us on +44 (0) 191516 7720 to enquire


Safecall Investigators

Our experienced team can provide guidance and support to help your organisation comply with its legal obligations and overcome the challenges of conducting a workplace or whistleblowing investigation in a confidential and pragmatic manner.

Our comprehensive services include:

  • Internal Investigation Support - Assisting businesses in conducting internal investigations in compliance with ACAS guidelines
  • Investigation Training - Providing workplace investigations training to help employees conduct investigations accurately and impartially
  • Workplace Audits - Reviewing policies and procedures to minimize the risk of future employment law claims
  • Fact-Finding - Gathering all facts in an impartial manner and evaluating them objectively
  • Witness Interviewing - Conducting interviews with witnesses and compiling signed and dated witness statements and other relevant evidence
  • Practical Guidance - Providing guidance on the next steps and ongoing support for as long as necessary after the investigation
  • Full Investigation Services - Carrying out the complete investigation on behalf of the business


Call us on +44 (0) 191516 7720 to enquire


How long do workplace or whistleblower investigations take?

When conducting an investigation, the duration can vary between days and weeks. The length of the investigation mainly depends on the number of witnesses involved and the volume of information and documentation that needs to be collected and reviewed.

It is essential for an employer to provide an estimated timeline for the investigation, which may require adjustments based on any new issues that arise.

Safecall will always agree investigation terms of reference with an organisation before beginning any investigation.


Call us on +44 (0) 191516 7720 to enquire


We also offer interviewer training, whistleblowing training and workplace investigations training

If you're keen to keep your investigations in-house, we can also help with that too.

We offer a number of different training courses available both in the classroom (usually on the client's premises), online, and through e-learning at the viewers own pace.

- Whistleblowing basics elearning for all staff

- Whistleblowing report management training for managers

- Report interviewer training for managers

- Investigation training for managers


For more detailed information on these courses use the links above.

To book a training course call us on +44 (0) 191516 7720 or get in touch via the button below or at the top of this page


Information about our Investigations

Who will carry out the investigation?

Our investigators are all ex police officers (often senior investigating officer level) with significant operational experience. Depending on the requirements we would allocate individuals with the appropriate skill set to match the specific nature of the work.

How is the investigation managed

Terms of reference and investigative parameters are agreed with the client at the outset. Any investigation is overseen by the Head of Operations at Safecall.

What types of investigation do you conduct?

We are able to conduct investigations covering a wide gamut including;

Health & Safety, Safeguarding, HR, Fraud, Environmental, Criminal

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