
Whistleblowing Implementation

When you sign-up with Safecall we can start protecting your organisation in a matter of minutes. We’ll provide your accounts and start taking reports relating to your organisation and delivering them to you.

We recognise that your business is unique, but consistent across all client bases, there is key information we need from you to enable us to begin our a tailored project plan for your organisation.

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How Safecall Implement a Whistleblowing Hotline

Service Promotion

In order to get the most from Safecall you’ll need to promote your speak up service within your organisation. You can choose to use or adapt Safecall’s pre-prepared material including posters, wallet cards, pop-out cards, FAQ’s and launch communications.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to promote the service is to include links to;

· Our international freephone numbers;

· Our digital reporting form;

In your relevant policies, such as your code of conduct or whistleblowing policy, on your intranet and in a company-wide email. It is helpful to outline the types of wrongdoing you would like to be raised through your whistleblowing arrangements to help people decide how to raise a concern.

We recommend using Safecall promotional material where available as we have designed it to maximise reporting.

Providing training to your workforce is also an excellent way of building confidence in the service.

Safecall can help;

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Your Trusted Team

You’ll need to let us know the appropriate contacts within your organisation to receive reports from Safecall - your Trusted Team. Typically this team will include senior people in roles such as Compliance, Human Resources, Internal Audit or Senior Managers.

You can add or amend Trusted Team members in our case management platform. For security reasons you’ll need to get in touch to remove an account.

1st Report Recipient – The main point of contact within your Trusted Team, they will receive email notification of reports and should acknowledge the receipt within 48 hours of the notification. Once acknowledged they are responsible for starting your internal processes.

2nd Report Recipient – will receive an email notification if a report is not acknowledged within 48 hours by your 1st Report Recipient.

Top Level Recipient – will only receive a report if it concerns another member of the Trusted Team. These reports will be delivered so as not to be visible to any other members of the team. Given the sensitive nature of this type of report those nominated should be sufficiently senior to manage the case, have access to suitable resources to investigate a potentially sensitive case and be independent from other members of the team.

Investigator – will only have access to cases which they are assigned to by a member of the Trusted Team.

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Whistleblowing Policy

Ensure that Whistleblowing is covered by your policies, whether in a dedicated whistleblowing policy or as part of a wider conduct policy such as a code of conduct or employee handbook. You should ensure that you clearly state;

• How you will communicate with a reporting person

• How you will protect the whistleblower from retaliation

• How you will provide feedback to a reporting person

• What you expect from a reporting person

• What you will do with your whistleblowing repor
t (including realistic timescales)


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Internal Whistleblowing Process

You should consider the following before you receive your first report;

  • How will you triage whistleblowing cases?
    Many organisations establish a triage framework with thresholds.
  • How will you refer cases?
    Does everyone that is likely to need access to the system have an account?
  • Who will investigate whistleblower cases?
    Many organisations have a framework to ensure independence.
  • How will you provide feedback to the whistleblower?
    It is best practice to keep the reporter informed of progress and outcomes where appropriate.
  • Has everyone received appropriate whistleblowing training?
    Mishandling a case can have serious consequences.


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Call us on +44 (0) 191516 7720

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