eLearning - Whistleblowing

Learn more about how our eLearning platform can help train your team

Safecall Whistleblowing Training - elearning

eLearning whistleblowing training for investigators and staff is hugely important when it comes to keeping a business trustworthy and its customers/clients safe.

At Safecall we provide you with a range of easy to access eLearning options that will educate all levels on the importance of a healthy and open complaints process.

Safecall's whistleblowing training courses are designed to not only educate staff on the whistleblowing and complaints resolution processes, but also to build confidence that the system works and can be trusted.

If you need to give us more detailed information about your business, get in touch with us on +44 (0) 191516 7720 or via the Get in Touch button below.


Our Online eLearning Courses

Whistleblowing eLearning Training for All Staff

This eLearning course gives staff at all levels a better understanding of the importance of whistleblowing, the reporting procedures, and the responsibility that firms have towards members of staff - whistleblowers - who speak up.

Whistleblowing eLearning Training for Managers

This eLearning course focuses on what managers, and other senior members of staff, need to know in order to better support whistleblowers throughout the entirety of the complaints and investigation processes.

Are our eLearning courses SCORM compliant?

Put simply, yes.

Both of our whistleblowing eLearning courses are fully compliant with SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model), which means that either course can be hosted on your Learning Management System with ease. 

We also offer more Investigation Management Courses in a more traditional, classroom-based setting, to give your staff the skills needed to conduct their own inquiries when concerns are raised.

Are you interested in eLearning for your business?

Are you interested in our eLearning platform? Contact Safecall today on +44 (0) 191516 7720 or via the button below