
At KCA Deutag, we all share the responsibility for ensuring we follow and uphold our 6 Core values #WECARE :


Wellbeing  Excellence Customer Centricity Agility Returns Energy Transition

By following our core values, we strive to always conduct our business safely and with integrity. Doing the right thing is vital, but it is not always obvious, especially with the new challenges we face in our everchanging world where there will be instances that arise when we don’t know what the right choice is, we are uncomfortable with the choices in front of us, or we see that our policies and/or procedures are or may be being breached.

It is the responsibility of each of us to speak up about an activity that is risky, harmful or unethical and if we see behaviour that goes against our policies and values. We support a full and transparent speak-up culture where you can tell us about the things you deem, in good faith, to be wrong.

We want to ensure you can raise any such concerns with confidence in a manner that you are comfortable with.

Where possible, the first point of contact to raise any concerns should be your line manager.  If this is not possible you can report your concerns to any member of the legal and compliance team, the human resource team, internal audit or any other senior member of staff.

We understand that not everyone is comfortable with reporting matters in this way. Where this is the case you can report you concerns directly to our independent whistleblowing service provided by Safecall.

KCA Deutag have a Zero-Tolerance approach to retaliation so if you have, in good faith, raised any concern and you believe you have been retaliated against, directly or indirectly, as a result please raise this immediately.

We trust you to always do the right thing – but if in doubt I encourage you to SPEAKUP!

Joseph Elkhoury – Chief Executive Officer


Got a question?

As soon as you become aware of any issue that gives you cause for concern or you know that, for example, a law is broken, a policy is breached someone is being harassed you should report this immediately.

If the concerns are relating to any of the following these are “Compliance Matters”

Violations of applicable law

Violations of Compliance Policies



Conflicts of Interest

Disclosures of proprietary and or confidential information

Sanctions breaches

If the concerns are relating to any of the following these are “HR Matters”








If the concerns are relating to any of the following these are “HSEQ Matters”





When you become aware of any actual legislation that has been broken, any policies or procedures that have been breached, any other form of behaviour that is not in line with the KCA Deutag way, the potential for any of these things to occur or you simply need some guidance as to how you comply with legislation, or company policies & procedures you need to speak up.

You can do this in various ways:

With your Line Manager

Any member of the legal and compliance team

Any member of the Human Resources team

Internal Audit

Any senior member of staff

Or if you are not comfortable in reporting in this way, you may report via SAFECALL, our independent, confidential third-party whistleblowing provider.

You can contact them via a free and confidential telephone service 24/7 by dialling 0800 915 1571 or via any of the local numbers. (local freephone numbers can be found here)       

You can send an e-mail directly to Safecall - via KCAD@safecall.co.uk

Or you can raise your concern on the Safecall platform here 

What should I say:

Full and transparent concerns should be reported in as much detail as possible, who/when the issue occurred/those involved which helps with any investigation into the matter.

Our platform is fully confidential. Your identity will be protected at all times.

KCA Deutag have a zero-tolerance approach to retaliation in relation to concerns raised in good faith.  Where you have been or you believe you have been retaliated against, directly or indirectly, as a result of raising a concern in good faith, please report this immediately.

Whether you contact Safecall through the online platform option (Highlight and link to platform), by telephone (Highlight and link to numbers) or e-mail (Highlight and link to e-mail address)  your report will be managed in confidence. Safecall will pass all the information you give, apart from your name if you wish, to the internal compliance team who will look at your concern confidentially, thoroughly, and independently.

Will I be contacted as part of the investigation?

You may be contacted as part of the investigation to provide more information. We may do this via the SAFECALL system, or we may liaise with you directly where possible, in confidence.

It’s important that we keep things confidential, so we may not be able to tell you about any investigations or actions we take in relation to the issue you’ve told us about. But any updates we can provide to you, will be provided but must be kept in strict confidence.