ITV encourages everyone to raise concerns at the earliest opportunity. If we don’t know about it, we can’t fix it.

In the first instance we want you to feel confident in raising your concerns with your line manager or other managers. We realise you may not feel comfortable doing this and the Safecall service is here to help.

You don’t need to raise your concerns with ITV first, but we encourage you to do so. This is in line with our Speaking Up policy.

You can use the Safecall service if you are uncomfortable using the process set out in the policy. You can also use Safecall if you believe your concern has not been adequately addressed.

Safecall is an independent, impartial, externally-run service. It enables you to report issues related to the working environment in a safe and secure manner. Communications to Safecall are treated on a strictly confidential basis.

Safecall can be used to report concerns relating to:

  • Malpractice, fraud, bribery or corruption;
  • Other criminal offences or illegal acts;
  • Conduct that has endangered, or is likely to endanger, the health and safety of an individual;
  • Conduct that has damaged, or is likely to damage, the environment; or
  • Concealment of information relating to any of the above.

Safecall should not be used to report concerns relating to:

  • An immediate threat to life or property: use the specific ITV or your local emergency procedures instead.
  • Any grievances or personal employment issues you may have in relation to your terms of employment which should be raised in line with ITV’s Grievance or Bullying and Harassment policies. These are available on MyITV for the UK and from the local HR or Managing Directors office for our international businesses.
  • Personal or legal disputes.
  • Accusations which you know are false. Doing so may lead to disciplinary measures.
  • Specific health and safety incidents which should be reported via ITV’s usual health and safety incident reporting channels through the Health and Safety team or the reporting tool, airsweb AVA.

For more information on the policies referred to above please go to myITV or

Please use the option below to share a concern. ENSURE YOU QUOTE ‘ITV’ AS THE COMPANY NAME - so that your concerns can be correctly escalated.

You can also contact Safecall by phone 0800 915 1571. If you are calling from outside of the UK there are international freephone numbers at Safecall’s phone lines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

You will speak directly with one of Safecall’s call handlers. If English is not your first language you can request an interpreter.

Share a concern.

Got a question?

A grievance is usually a complaint about something that impacts you as an individual. For example, how you feel you are being treated at work. Please raise grievances in line with ITV’s Grievance or Bullying and Harassment policies. These are available on MyITV for the UK and from the local HR or Managing Directors office for our international businesses.

You have the opportunity to remain anonymous. You may feel more comfortable raising a concern anonymously. Please be aware that an anonymous report may impact our ability to investigate and resolve the matter successfully. You can also remain partially anonymous, whereby Safecall won’t share your name with ITV. If the investigator can contact you, it may help them fully understand the issue and take appropriate action.

Safecall will manage your report in confidence. This will happen whether you contact Safecall online or by phone. Safecall will pass all the information you give, apart from your name if you wish, to the ITV Speak Up team. They will make sure your concern is looked into thoroughly, confidentially and independently.

If you raise a concern anonymously and ITV needs more information to help progress its investigation, we’ll post a request on this Safecall website. You can access the website, and the message, with the username and password provided during your original report using the link on the previous page. You can provide further information, or request feedback on your concern. You can do this via both this website and using the phone number listed above. Please leave 5 working days to allow us to make preliminary enquiries.

Wherever possible, ITV will give you feedback on the outcome of any investigation. Please note - ITV owes a duty of confidence to our colleagues. We will not be able to tell you about disciplinary, or other action, when it would infringe this confidence.
ITV cannot guarantee that we will respond to all matters in the way that every colleague might wish. We will try to handle your concerns fairly and properly. For more information please refer to the Speaking Up policy

ITV and Safecall Limited are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. For ITV and Safecall to provide the Speaking Up facility, we need to collect and process information. This information may include your personal data if you do not wish to remain anonymous. It may also contain personal data about other people where this is relevant to your particular concern.

If you do not wish for Safecall to pass your details to ITV, Safecall may still collect personal data about you and others where relevant. Safecall will only pass your personal data to ITV if you agree to this. Further information about how Safecall processes personal data can be found at Safecall's Privacy Notice.

You may have agreed that Safecall can pass your details to ITV or have provided Safecall with personal information to be passed to ITV.  ITV will process your personal information in accordance with the ITV Privacy Notice most appropriate to your circumstances. A different notice may apply to you if you are a programme or job applicant, contributor, employee, freelancer or contractor.  The relevant ITV Privacy Notices can be viewed here.

We will only keep your personal information for the minimum period required to fulfil the relevant purposes. Further details are set out in ITV and Safecall’s Privacy Notices – see the links above.

Information about your rights in relation to your personal data is also set out in the relevant Privacy Notice. We can provide further details about how ITV collects, stores or uses your personal information on request. Please contact ITV’s Data Protection Officer by emailing