ESB encourages everyone to report concerns pertaining to a wrongdoing in the workplace or elsewhere relating to ESB’s operations

You don’t need to raise your concern with ESB first, but you are encouraged to do so. This is in line with ESB’s Whistleblowing & Protected Disclosures Policy.

ESB has engaged Safecall to provide a confidential hotline service for the reporting of concerns in situations where individuals are uncomfortable using the channels set out in the policy.  The types of concerns that can be raised include-

  • Wrongdoing, fraud, bribery or corruption
  • Other criminal offences or illegal acts
  • Failure to comply with legal obligations
  • Miscarriage of justice, whether it has occurred, is occurring or is likely to occur,
  • Endangerment to human health and safety
  • Damage to the environment
  • Unlawful, or improper use of public money or resources
  • An oppressive, discriminatory or grossly negligent act or omission by or on behalf of ESB
  • Attempt to conceal or destroy information relating to any of the above matters

Safecall is an independent, impartial, externally run service and gives individuals another avenue to report any issues in a safe and secure manner.  All concerns received through the Safecall service will be notified to ESB’s Group Internal Auditor, who will decide on the most appropriate course of action to be taken. All concerns raised will be handled in a professional and confidential manner.

For further information please refer to ESB Whistleblowing & Protected Disclosures Policy.

If you wish to raise a concern click on the option ‘SHARE A CONCERN’ below.  ENSURE YOU QUOTE ‘ESB’ AS THE COMPANY NAME - so that your concerns can be correctly escalated.

You can also contact Safecall by phone: Ireland 1800 812 740, UK 0800 915 1571.  If you are calling from another jurisdiction there are international freephone numbers at  Safecall’s phone lines are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  You will speak directly to one of Safecall’s call handlers.

Got a question?

You have the opportunity to remain anonymous. You may feel more comfortable raising a concern anonymously. Please be aware that an anonymous report may impact our ability to investigate and resolve the matter successfully. You can also remain partially anonymous, whereby Safecall won’t share your name with ESB. If the investigator can contact you, it may help them fully understand the issue and take appropriate action.

Safecall will manage your report in confidence. This will happen whether you contact Safecall online or by phone. Safecall will pass all the information you give, apart from your name if you wish, to ESB’s Group Internal Auditor. The Group Internal Auditor will make sure your concern is looked into thoroughly, confidentially and independently.

If you raise a concern anonymously and ESB needs more information to help progress its investigation, we’ll post a request on this Safecall website. You can access the website, and the message, with the username and password provided during your original report using the link on the previous page. You can provide further information, or request feedback on your concern. You can do this via both this website and using the phone number listed above. Please leave 5 working days to allow us to make preliminary enquiries.

Wherever possible, ESB will give you feedback on the outcome of any investigation. Please note ESB owes a duty of confidence to our colleagues.  We will not be able to tell you about disciplinary, or other action, when it would infringe this confidence.  For more information please refer to the Whistleblowing and Protected Disclosures Policy.

This service is not expected to be used for personal complaints or grievances about an individual employment matter including terms of a person’s employment. Grievances of this type should be addressed through ESB’s relevant HR grievance procedure and policies. These are available on ESB’s staff intranet “theHUB”.

ESB and Safecall Limited are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. For ESB and Safecall to provide the confidential helpline and webmail facility, we need to collect and process information. This information may include your personal data if you do not wish to remain anonymous. It may also contain personal data about other people where this is relevant to your particular concern.

If you do not wish for Safecall to pass your details to ESB, Safecall may still collect personal data about you and others where relevant. Safecall will only pass your personal data to ESB if you agree to this.

You may have agreed that Safecall can pass your details to ESB or have provided Safecall with personal information to be passed to ESB.  ESB will process your personal information in accordance with ESB’s data protection policies.