File a Report

At Chronofresh, all our employees and stakeholders can report any behaviour that they suspect to be in breach of the values and principles defined in Chronofresh Code of Conduct and Chronofresh Sustainable Procurement Charter, or of the applicable laws and regulations.
To allow you to voice your concerns, we set up the present Whistleblowing system.
  • For more information on the whistleblowing process, please refer to the FAQ at the right of the page.
  • To report any behaviour or situation covered by the present Whistleblowing system, please click on File an alert below and follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
  • To access an alert you’ve already filed, please click on Access an alert

The information you provide through the present Whistleblowing system can be accessed :

First by Safecall, to check the information are complete and ask you additional information if needed;

Secondly, by the Chief Compliance Officer – Ethics Officer of Chronofresh or any other person authorised to handle alerts within Chronofresh.

If you give your email address, you will receive notifications about new comments or questions on your alert, from the Chief Compliance Officer – Ethics Officer of Chronofresh and/or any person authorised to handle alerts within Chronofresh.

Otherwise, we recommend you connect regularly to the platform to check for new messages, with the username and password you’ll have previously defined.

For more information on how to connect to the present platform, please refer to question 2. How is my alert handled? at the right of the page.

1. Who can file an alert? What topics can I report about?
2. How is my alert handled?
3. What are the rights attached to my personal data?
4. What if I want to file an alert via the hotline?